“We believe in truckers. They are good, honest, hard-working men and women – and without them, America stops moving. They’re committed to doing their jobs and we’re committed to helping them keep those jobs.”

Brad Klepper | President

Before joining the business , Brad focused primarily in transactional law, business defense litigation, and intellectual property at a large national law firm. Those areas of specialty proved to be especially beneficial to clients of Interstate Trucker.

Brad graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Oklahoma City University School of Law, receiving four separate American Jurisprudence awards for academic excellence. He frequently authors for numerous publications and speaks on topics ranging from CSA defense to litigation positioning.

Brad serves on the Arkansas Trucking Association Board, The Truckload Carriers Association Board of Directors, OCU Law Executive Board as well as being active with several other charity boards and advisories, including those focusing on higher education and non-profit services.

Jim Klepper | Chairman

Jim spent the early part of his law career as a prosecutor. This gave him an in-depth understanding of how the law enforcement side of things works, how lawyers and judges handle cases, and what to expect from law enforcement.

It was through that experience that he realized the unfair standards placed on truckers and the lack of fair representation. He knew that drivers were losing their CDLs when it could have been prevented. Time and time again, he went to trial as a prosecutor against a driver who had no legal representation and that driver was found guilty. While many would call this a successful career record, Jim called it the turning point. He knew he wanted to help truckers defend themselves against a system that was setting them up to fail.

That was 1990, one year before the CDL license was required nationwide. Jim left his job at the prosecutor’s office to create his own practice dedicated to helping truckers. His first step was to take the CDL exam himself, just so he could see what drivers were going through.

Since then, Jim and the team at Interstate Trucker have earned the trust of individual truckers and carriers nationwide, defending nearly 400,000 cases in the continental 48 states.